Online Bookstore

The following book titles are ones that I am personally familiar with and have found to be informative and helpful. I’ve listed them here, in random order, in case you need suggestions on some of the better books to add to your library. If you know of other titles that I should list, please let me know and I’ll see about adding them. Note that these are listed in random order, not in order of the best reference or the best book to buy. Some of these are also available in electronic editions for the Kindle reader.


The Guerrilla Guide to Robert’s Rules


A really great introduction to Robert’s Rules if you need to get off the ground fast and hard. This no-nonsense book gives you a head start without spending time on the historical aspects of parliamentary procedure.

Robert’s Rules of Order In Brief


One of the “must have” books in your library. This brief version of the classic Robert’s Rules of Order brings all the important facts into one handy guide.


Use this book in your regular meetings for quick reference, answering questions of procedure or simply finding out the best way to handle certain processes.

The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure


An alternate parliamentary authority, and probably the next most common set of standard rules in existence. This set of procedures was recently updated by the American Institute of Parliamentarians for day-to-day use by organizations.

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Robert’s Rules


A great introduction to Robert’s Rules from one of the most prolific parliamentarians writing today. If you’ve never spent time with Robert’s Rules, this would be a good first stop for your journey.

Riddick’s Rules of Procedure

A streamlined alternative to Robert’s Rules. This book serves as a glossary and collection of rules for modern meetings and organizations.

Robert’s Rules for Dummies


Another great introduction to Robert’s Rules in the tried and true Dummies style. If you’ve never spent time with Robert’s Rules, this would be a good first stop for your journey.

Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 10th Edition


The seminal and official book on parliamentary procedure. This is the original document, updated to the 10th Edition, by descendants of the original Henry Robert. This is a “must have” book for anyone doing significant work in parliamentary procedure. It’s thick, but it is definitive and helpful.

Notes and Comments on Robert’s Rules of Order


The comments and opinions of a known parliamentary scholar as he goes through the entire Robert’s Rules of Order text.


If you’ve ever wondered why something was written the way it was, or what the thinking behind a procedure is, then this will likely answer your question.

Cannon’s Concise Guide to Rules of Order


A modern interpretation and guide through rules of order, with a view towards to how to use rules practically and efficiently in meetings and deliberations.


Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance


One of the best quick references to parliamentary procedure. A great help for new users of parliamentary procedure, chairpersons or committee members.


Robert’s Rules in Plain English

A revised and concise reference to Robert’s Rules, newly updated for changes in the 10th Edition.This version includes an extensive glossary as well as references for electronic meetings and modern technology use in relation to parliamentary procedures.

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